What happened to Libra Diem, Facebook’s ambitious cryptocurrency project? As of Dec 31, 2023, the project is no longer in existence. After facing regulatory pushback and losing key partners, the project was rebranded as Diem and sold off in early 2022. The former CEO of Diem, Stuart Levey, stated that the project “could not move ahead” due to regulatory issues.
Continue reading “Libra Diem: The Cryptocurrency Project That Disappeared Faster Than Facebook’s Privacy Policy”Meta sells Diem assets to Silvergate in $200 Million | What happens now?
Diem, which caught all the eyes of the people since it came out as Libra in 2019 and Mark Zuckerberg defending it in front of the chamber of commerce for a long time, has taken a serious turn, Meta sells Diem.
Continue reading “Meta sells Diem assets to Silvergate in $200 Million | What happens now?”Can I Mine Diem? | Here is Everything that you Should know
As the clock is ticking and after the Novi launch in the US and Guatemala, Diem (formerly Libra) is getting into the limelight. With all this attention, many people have been asking one simple question — Can I mine Diem?
Continue reading “Can I Mine Diem? | Here is Everything that you Should know”How Facebook (Meta) is making money by lettings its own users be scammed.
Yes. You read that right.
There are ways from Facebook to sites that aim to scam users with fake Diem sites. And Facebook gets its share. How can that be?